Sara Ali Khan has been creating a massive buzz these days courtesy her upcoming movie Atrangi Re. Helmed by Aanand L Rai, the movie will also star Akshay Kumar and Dhanush in the lead. Interestingly, it will mark Sara’s first collaboration with Akshay and fans are excited to see their chemistry onscreen. For the uninitiated, Akshay has also shared the screen with Saif Ali Khan and their onscreen chemistry was a thing among the fans. So, ahead of the release of Atrangi Re, Sara was quizzed about her favourite Akshay-Saif’s onscreen moment.
This happened during her recent interaction with RJ Siddharth Kannan, wherein Sara stated that one of the movies of Saif-Akshay that she had enjoyed is Tashan. And when asked about her takeaway from the film, the Pataudi princess named Kareena Kapoor from the song Chhaliya Chhaliya. “The most recent, which is probably what I remember best, is maybe Tashan. I enjoyed Tashan a lot, even though Kareena in Chhaliya Chhaliya was my takeaway. Shouldn’t say that about a co-actor or your father, so I don’t know,” Sara was quoted saying.
To note, Sara is known to have maintained a great equation with Kareena and has been all praises for her work in the industry. In one of the earlier interviews, Sara also stated that she would like to imbibe Kareena’s professionalism. “She is a mother of two children but she is still out there, doing her brands, doing her films and I think that’s the only way. Kareena mere liye jeeti jaagti example hai (For me, Kareena is a living example) of ‘once an actor, always an actor’,” she added.